Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Sandra Howard to star in Tory campaign

Looks like the Tories really do mean business; they’re pulling out all the stops by getting Michael Howard’s wife out on the campaign trail. I’m sure it will go down well with the sacred Daily Mail readers but more to the point how will Labour respond (Lib Dems can’t, Charles Kennedy’s wife will be in labour around the time of the election)? Will we see Cherie flown in to seats that Sandra has just left, or vice versa? Isn’t this just a little too much distraction? After all it’s their husbands we’re electing or not electing why should we care about them?

“The Conservatives today unveiled Sandra Howard as their secret election campaign weapon, disclosing that the leader's wife will be making solo visits to key swing seats during the election. The party's co-chairman, Liam Fox, has revealed that Ms Howard will make political appearances unaccompanied by her husband in key target seats.

Unveiling the party's campaigning strategy, Dr Fox told reporters: "Sandra has already been campaigning with Michael on a number of visits and has been undertaking short visits herself. That pattern will continue.”


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